CS105 Group Project

Westmont CS105 Group Project

The purpose of this project is for student groups to explore a programming language via the criteria presented in class. This is done by developing an interesting application using the distinguishing language features. A team should consist of 3-4 students.

Language Selection

Each team will pick a unique programming language that interests them.

Choice of application

Once teams confirm their language, they should start working immediately. Study the language and come up with an idea for an application that will demonstrate the strength of the language’s features.

Each team should submit a 1 page proposal (300-500 words). Be as specific as you can you may want to take a glance at the book (if you have access to a copy) Software Requirements by Microsoft. It does a great job of thinking through what makes good requirements.

The page should outline the proposed application. The proposal should justify why the project idea is something interesting that will display the language’s unique capabilities. If the proposed project sounds too simple I may ask teams to come up with a new idea.

Progress reports

Part way through the semester, each team will:

Final presentation

Each team will make a 15-20 minute presentation that highlights important design features of the language, including but not limited to the following:

Each student will evaluate the other teams’ presentations. A brief Q&A time will also take place after each presentation. Evaluations and participation in the Q&A will count toward each student’s final grade.

Final Deliverables